Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Returns

I hopped in the car just after five yesterday hoping the traffic would allow an easy journey north. I passed cotton fields, softball games, restaurants with cattle horns (which seemed to be a more crowded than those that did not hang horns), and the occasional boat trailer en route to make the end of the September meeting of the GBC. The meal was themed to Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See, and I arrived in time to enjoy a glass of reading water, dessert, and get first-hand opinions of the book. Most (perhaps all excluding me) had read the title, but the opinions were overall neutral - not too excited but not bored. Plans were made for at least one future read, and I was the lucky GBC member to walk away with Pride, Prejudice and Zombies which will make a great weekend read.

It was fantastic to once again be in the circle of conversation which rattled around like a bottle in the back of a pick-up truck. (I think my new locale is affecting my analogies.) Several of us shared stories about our new journeys and I caught up a bit on neighborhood happenings. We discussed writing, jewelry, lawns, travel and cooking. Typical topics for our atypical group.

My fortune cookie from last night's meal: "Expect the best". I do.

GBC Kay and crew: Thank you for the warm welcome; it was great to see you.

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