Sunday, May 17, 2009

May day

May is an unexpected opportunity for new beginnings of sorts. Graduations, end of school terms, (the possibility of) the end of a session, and job changes (well, at least one of us) give us a natural end for something new or different ahead. It is the month of the Garden Guzzle and the time summer seems to be ever so near to us. We begin to firm our travel plans, we enjoy the extra hours of daylight and we spend more time outdoors.

May seems a month of possibilities. Perhaps I’ve come to this conclusion because I’ve listened to a few more commencement addresses than normal or that I have been reading light-hearted chick books (excluding Ms Stein). This optimism might even stem from my indulgence of downloading bubble-gum pop in preparation for summer car journeys or just dancing around the house.

Reaching the end of one book propels us to the pick up the next one.

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