Friday, October 23, 2009

Wanted: Cmmercial Wholesaler [sic]

This week I have read a number of job postings which have contained grammatical and/or spelling errors. These mistakes do not bode well for the company image, however should you judge a corporation on an individual error? If you are interested in the position, should you apply and ignore the mistake? Should you contact the company regardless of whether or not interested in the role to advise the poster of their blunder? My HR sources indicate that one should not point out spelling errors during interviews.

So what, then is the appropriate course of action?
1. Ignore. (It is hard to ignore something you have noticed.)
2. Tweet about it.
3. Incorporate the headlines into business lectures.
4. Collect errors and one day publish an award winning business book entitled Spell-binding
5. Advise the company to correct it.
6. All of the above.

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