Friday, October 9, 2009

Sweet October

Have you ever looked at a book you were reading and been conflicted about whether or not you wanted to finish it? Your goal is to finish. You want to finish. Yet, if you race to the end, it's over. That's it. Another story under your belt and do not want to rush it. To me, a book can sometimes be like a decadent dessert at the end of a very fine meal. You know you will order it because you want it. You have been thinking of it since the first course, anticipating a delicious selection, but yet not quite certain the taste your palate will crave. When the dish arrives (likely containing some type of chocolate unless you are GBC Sondra), you take your time between forkfuls, savoring each bite, until you reach an empty dish with a sweet satisfaction that the world is indeed beautiful and each of us is lucky.

Last night, The Thirteenth Tale was my dessert.

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