Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dream On

I have always been a vivid dreamer. Unlike our journalist, Heron, in WoP I do not want a pair of scissors by the bed to "snip off the end of the dream". This is mainly because I am clumsy, but also I like to see where the dreams lead, even if uncomfortable places.

So with a sixteen hour day ahead and a restless night's sleep behind me, I pulled Dream Angus by Alexander McCall Smith (A.M.S.) from my shelves. This title is from the Myths series from Canongate, old stories retold by contemporary writers (including Margaret Atwood and Karen Armstrong).

I will leave you with a few words from A.M.S. from his 2006 Introduction:
Unlike some mythical figures, Angus does no particular moral or didactic work: his is really about dreams and about love - two things that have always had their mysteries for people. Angus puts us in touch with our dreams - those entities which Auden described so beautifully in his Freud poem as the creatures of the night that are waiting for us, that need our recognition.

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