Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bien Open Minded

Spontaneity led me to spend a weekend in Mobile. I was there fifteen minutes before discovering Bienville Books, a downtown independent bookstore. (The Universe was smiling.) After a two block walk, I had an hour window before closing. This was just enough time to pick up a few tiny books (a weakness), a signed copy of The Prince of Frogtown by Rick Bragg (nod to GBC CaroleKing, not the singer), and my first Carson McCullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. The last book was taken upon suggestion of the shop staffer who was equally enthusiastic about wee books and whose English literature background became apparent within five minutes of conversation.

The regional book section seemed to have a higher than average number of titles which involved death, hauntings, and other dark tales. (I did not want to ask too many questions about this.) The bookstore is two floors though I only managed the bottom level in forty-five minutes of meandering. Bienville Books has a mix of old and new with all titles neatly arranged. It is well worth a visit, and I can recommend a few nearby places for post-shopping reading water.

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