Sunday, August 2, 2009

Page 30 and Page 11

I don’t use bookmarks when I read. I started this habit in an effort to try to keep my mind stimulated, somewhat akin to working a crossword puzzle but without the newspaper and pen or a laptop/PDA. (Yes, I do use a pen rather than a pencil). I try to commit to memory the page number of my last page read. I am not particularly bound to a routine of stopping at a chapter’s end, especially when reading just before sleep. Occasionally, this practice will create a small problem if I cannot remember my stopping point, and I may re-read a page (or several) to find my spot. I think this makes reading more of an adventure and if I am not able to recall the page, perhaps I need a refresher on the plot?

It is true that if you borrow a book from me, you are likely to find airline check-in stubs at various points, but these were not placeholders. The book merely provided a convenient filing spot at the time of reading. I do like the non-traditional bookmarks such as a receipt, a ribbon or a string, but I would rather not be tied to using one.

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