Monday, August 31, 2009

Know and Repeat

The good news about having a slow Internet connection is that I have ample time to think. I have renewed interest in The World is Flat due to a conversation with a fellow yogi yesterday. I am pursuing on.

I have also decided to add a few more history books to my spreadsheet of items to read. The inspiration? This morning I was fortunate to attend a Western Civilization lecture at my undergraduate campus. (I don't think I stood out too much, but I do think at least one or two students noticed the slight resemblance that I have to the teacher.) It was nice to sit in class, listen, learn and not worry about what might be on an exam. College is still the same cross-section it was when I attended with a variety of dress and the ever present pony-tail for the “early morning” class at ten. It is nice to see how things change and how things still remain the same.

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