Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Cook Book

Foiled by the timing of the inter-library delivery system for Three Cups of Tea, I could not go another few days without beginning a new book. Kitchen Confidential is an intriguing read, particularly as I have spent a number of days these last seven months in a culinary setting. With a palate which developed as a result of rebellion, Anthony Bourdain has taken me through his early kitchen journeys with descriptions of a chef's life that more closely resembled a rock star rather than our current cooking celebrities. He gives advice that you would read in nearly every book review such as do not order fish on Monday and be wary of brunch, while offering a fair glimpse of the camaraderie and hierarchy of a kitchen. The book's mid-point seems to be a turning point in the author's career and I am eager to see what "Dessert" and "Coffee and a Cigarette" will bring. (Each section of the book is identified by a course.) Regardless of whether or not he succeeds in the kitchen, I am inspired to get my apron dirty.

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