Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trains Planes and Sore Heels

I finished Dorian Gray on the train which seemed an appropriately romantic tribute to Oscar Wilde. When I finished the last words, I could not immediately begin another work. I don't want to give too much away as it is an upcoming book club novel, but wow! As the reader moves through the last third of the book, s/he will begin to piece together the most likely ending, and as I read Wilde's words, I was amazed with his techniques and his imagery. It would be nearly four hours before I would pick up my next read.

In other literary news, Philip Roth was announced as the winner of the International Man Booker Prize today. (You may remember this was the contest which had a wee bit of controversy when the finalists were announced.) You may wish to add one of his titles to your summer book list.

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