Saturday, February 26, 2011

Running Down a Dream

It was a warm sunny day, a gift for February. Though the morning was filled with obligatory weekend tasks, I saved some time for a long slow run and an afternoon on the sofa to finish Great Expectations. With 10% remaining (Kindle math), I knew that I wanted to finish the novel in one read. I suspect that I must have read the text during some part of my education, but I have no recollection of study, and the story found its way to surprise me. I moved through Pip's story as if riding on a boat, tossed this way and then that with either sadness or frustration with his character. In the end, the lesson was there and I was touched by Pip's love for his friend Herbert, his benefactor who will remain nameless in the event you have not read the novel, and for Joe. (I was less moved by his love for Estella - boy falls for girl who doesn't fall for boy - that happens all the time.)

A near closing quote that stuck with me said by Pip to Biddy, "I have forgotten nothing in my life that ever had a foremost place there, and little that ever had any place there."

At some point we all have great expectations. If we are lucky, we get to see where they lead.

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