Monday, February 24, 2014

There's a Chair in My Shower and Would you Pass the Salt

Tonight's journey was the time equivalent (and in this order) of the last 17% of The Book Thief, 47% of Love Poems, and A-S on the iPod alphabet self-DJ-ed song list.

It has been a real treat the last two weeks to be able to devote a bit more time to leisure reading.  

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.  Just read it.  Then tell me you read it so I can talk with you about it.  If I've seen you lately, I've probably already told you about it.  I am in awe at Louis' journey (and at the various WWII statistics gleaned from the book that I did not recall from pre-science days).  Ms. Hillenbrand does a very nice job with the novel and serious props to her reference list.

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.  This was a fun read after the more somber novel above.  Geneticist seeks wife.  Must answer screening questionnaire in order to qualify.  If you have a series of questions you pose to potential suitors [Do you live at home?  Do you have a job?  Do you think it's appropriate to have a concealed weapon at the dinner table?* ], then I think you'd enjoy this book as a light spring/summer addition to your list.  I won't speak to the Genetics portion of the novel, because well, I tend to do that anyway.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  I've already admitted that I had a difficult time at the beginning of this novel but I read the last half of the work in large sections, uninterrupted.  Despite the fact that I really knew better than to finish it in a public space, I did anyway.  I was desperate to know what happened, even if the price was a public tear down the cheek.  Liesel, Max, Hans, Rosa, Rudy, I loved you all.  

So, I'm not sure what's next though I am due for the We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves GBC selection for March.  Hope you are enjoying the weather and stealing away a few moments for a book.

*Author's Note:  Some questions appear after very awkward moments at the dinner table.  


  1. I just started We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves and did not, as warned, read the cover flap or any reviews of the book (but did accidentally overhear a bit of conversation about it one day (oh well)). What I can say is this--the story is kind of secondary to me right now, because the author has me completely hooked already with her writing style and some incredible lines and passages that have led to my having several underlines and notes in my book (yes, I write in my books). At the rate I'm going, it's going to look like one of my law school text books soon :) Looking forward to getting back to it tonight. Happy reading dear friend.

    1. I'm glad you gave me the heads up on WAACBS as I didn't know there were (obvious) spoilers. :) Looking forward to seeing your marked up copy and comparing notes.
