Monday, December 6, 2010

Fussy Math

One of the things I enjoy about a trip back to Nashville is the ability to discuss books as well as music. While sitting in my stylist's chair [subtle plug to buy her book], I overheard the new to Nashville patron beside me say "Nashville is a cultured town." I fought the urge to say, "We are more than rhinestones and boots, though I still have both." Instead, we (stylist and I) discussed Room.

This morning in reading through The Guardian, I discovered a list of quirky gift-buying ideas for "The Fussy" which included The Album Club but don't get too excited unless you are planning a relocation to the UK or EU. That being said, I did discover their Rough Trade shops which led me to "10 Book Gifts" which is a list of artsy titles including A Rocket in My Pocket by Max Decharne and What the Hell are you doing? by David Shrigley. It is a pretty solid list.

Enjoy the week and I hope you discover something which leaves you a bit less fussy.

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