Monday, September 16, 2013

Wifi High and Lowe's

Sometimes you find yourself in a very small town at the end of a thirteen hour workday.  You're hungry and you'd like a side of wifi with perhaps some eggs on toast or a tomato panini sandwich.

Simple, yet accessible.

Not too demanding. After all, you're still without water and home internet access because of a little utility accident with a very large shovel.

In that moment after a long drive around the city, desperately hoping for something that stayed open past nine, you realize you're in a town of introverts, and that instead of making wifi available in late night coffee shops around the city, each individual would rather be at home, alone or in small groups...programming, saving the world, creating the next best efficiency, or just playing a game on their super-secure, non-broadcasting networks.  Because after all, this town is smart.

So when you find yourself in a Lowe's parking lot typing away in your lap with a bag beside you that will be forever unnamed, you will try to forget that you ever read Fast Food Nation and hope that this isn't the first book you start to unpack.  When you go home, you will need a glass of reading water.

And when you go to sleep thinking about this very odd day, you will know that despite nights like this, you are still pretty darn lucky.

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