Thursday, August 16, 2012

Light at the End of the Tunnel

It's a challenge to garner enough reading material for a yet undermined amount of time.  When I was in France for a month, I had nearly a dozen books.  I think I read two, maybe three.  There were other times on holiday that I could go through a book nearly every two days.  (Perhaps there is a reading water correlation in the mix?)

I stumbled across The Light Between Oceans this morning courtesy of Amazon cookie tracking and their SEO.  It's ML Stedman's first novel and while I assumed the author was male, I was pleasantly surprised to see "her" on the author's page.  The reviews include "heart-breaking", "barren couple", "baby", "isolation" and "return" which were enough to hook me into a Kindle download.  I'll admit the Australian setting played its part as well.  Here's a link to a recent Q&A with The Day, though if you like plunging into a novel not knowing too much, I'll suggest that you refrain from reading to the end as it hints to a key plot event.

Good luck with your end of summer reading selections!

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