Saturday, June 16, 2012

Did You Pack the Trunk?

In the mad rush of last minutes items (and perhaps celebratory sparking reading water), I was at a loss for books to download for weekend reading.  I have a personal objection to the price point of $12.99 for an ebook (ahem, Amazon) and their lenders reading library failed me on any of the more recent items from my book list.  So I searched for Seabiscuit (only purchase) but fourth down from the list from the search was (and I don't understand the SEO behind it) Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.  With apologies to Reece Witherspoon, I did not recall a movie, and I could not have told you at midnight anything about the book's premise, however I went with instinct and borrowed the book.

I started the book early the next morning and was surprised to find myself reading back-to-back novels on circus life. The story is unfurling like a hot air balloon filling and I am not far enough through the tale to give fair review...only to say that I'm hooked. 


  1. It's a good read, I'll think you'll enjoy. The movie, which I saw after reading the book, is fine, but didn't capture the feel of the book (in my humble opinion). Happy reading!

  2. Thanks and I hope so! I should have time for another block of reading today.

    One clarification as well, as I remembered I read Immortal Life in between the two circuses. :)
