Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cites Unseen

A friend of mine is tutoring grammar to young minds.  When speaking of verbs that end in "-ing", she sent me to pun jail for the phrase, "He should have gone to gerund."  Oh well, it was probably too obscure for the average middle-school student who is far removed from the diamond engagement.

A few of us are grammar nerds and I was surprised to learn via GBC K1m, that both MLA and APA have a proper format of citation when used as a reference.  [At this moment, my sister is twinging as she already has distaste for the use of Wiki in formal writing.]  While I don't know that this was the exact tweet link, it serves as a pretty neat example of how far we've come for the average English paper.

For further reference, you may want to consider adding A Grammar Book for You and I (Oops, Me) by C. Edward Good to your shelves.  Good is a writer in residence for a group of attorneys (which reminded me of a GBC member or two).

Enjoy the sunshine, and don't forget to punctuate properly. 


  1. :)!!!!

    Is that proper punctuation? ;)

    1. You are definitely the better to answer that question than me! :)
