Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's in Your Head, Zombie?

I have read enough PP&Z to know that if I am reincarnated back to the 1800s (time-traveled perhaps rather than another life?), I want to know how to wield a knife. If I will be forced to don all those many layers of ruffled, lacy clothing, I will need an outlet. And if I can make another request to the Universe in this unlikely scenario? Perhaps I could actually return as someone who does not mind the heat.

I am just a few chapters into the novel (six, to be precise and to stay true to my anal-retentive focus on detail), and my favorite character in this early stage is Mr. Bennett. Not only does he appear to be a capable warrior against zombies, he is able to reside in a house with six other women. No offense to my gender, but wow, that could be a dynamic environment.

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