Friday, January 16, 2015

I Walk and See Lines

Sometimes one needs to have a hiatus from something to determine whether or not that thing brings joy or whether it has become a habit to fill time and pass the present.  Since my last city move, I've done this annually with reading water, periodically with music, occasionally with dating, and this year with writing.

As I was cleaning out old boxes last weekend, I found journals from the late 80s and thumbed through a few.  Even then, I had pages each day to write.  [Content of course was a little mundane but how much excitement can one have in high school in rural america pre-cell phone? But oh my, at the bubble cursive!]

I've also been working on being in the present.  I have found this has reduced quite a bit of anxiety and my lung capacity has likely increased by at least one-third from all the random deep breaths.  I now notice a bit more on random walks, like colors projected on a building with a hint of a moon in the background.

So here we are, Friday.  I hope yours carries the color of happy.

Downtown Rocket City
(via unfiltered iphone)
January 2015

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