Saturday, March 30, 2013

Whip It Real Good

Tonight I'm extremely grateful to GBC T1m and K1m for having given me a whipped cream dispenser.  This will be paired with strawberry pie planned as reward for finishing today's half marathon.  [Side note:  one person's "flat" is another's "rolling hills".]

Tomorrow will be spent in part in a comfortable chair, reading and drinking coffee.  I might even make hot chocolate as an excuse to have more whipped cream.

I am a lucky girl.  Hope you each have had a lovely weekend.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ants are Marching

It's a night of a full moon and a week of ups and downs.  I've sent well wishes for milestones and struggled to find the right words when a friend says "it's over" when referencing their relationship.

I've also apparently shared a life-changing sandwich so we'll see where that goes.

March is headed out like a lion.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Make a Wish II

It's that time in the rotation of the earth where I like to pass along the best wishes to those having birthdays and in particular our very own GBC P@1ge.

I hope the next turn is filled with
  • A full and fun year of book-reads
  • Long walks with a cool breeze
  • Warm socks
  • A good film season
  • Yarn which doesn't make you swear when knitting
  • Soft tree blossoms that fall like rain as you pass by
  • Another suitable season of Downtown Abbey
  • No shortages of reading water
  • Delightful coffees and impromptu chats
  • Entertaining dinner parties
  • Vivacious laughter
  • Every yoga pose
  • Road trips
  • Love
Hope the week surpasses all expectations!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today was a swim-bike-run in not so perfect conditions day so I'm a little tired.

I'm rewarding myself with a glass of reading water and Nicholas Lezard's review of The Wet and the Dry:  A Drinker's Journey by Lawrence Osborne.

Hope your weekend has been splendid (and dry).

Friday, March 22, 2013

Going to Memphis

I still haven't lost the fascination of taking a photograph at 70* miles an hour and seeing what you get.  I have two other frames with the pyramid on the left and to the right, but this one seems just right on the gray, rainy drive from Little Rock.  Sometimes it's important to tri-angles.
View from the Freeway
Memphis, TN
October 2012
Happy Friday!

* Speeds may at times exceed this figure however for the sake of being a role model and for any safety officials reading this, I maintain the speed limits.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Cover Up

It's a bit early for serious reading, so I'll just take a look through book covers.  These were selected as the best for 2012 in The New York Times:

Most of these are pretty awesome.  What's your favorite?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Quotable Interview for a Monday

"Avoid those who say: 'I will go no further." - the inscription by Paulo Coelho in a book for Stuart Jeffries.

This interview with the author of several of our GBC books including The Witch of Portabello and The Alchemist (at least I think we read the latter as a group) which appeared yesterday's Guardian is a good read.  Jeffries scans a number of topics with Coelho and selects several nice quotes to highlight.  The above and the capture for the first photo in the article are my favorites.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pinch Me - I'm Lucky

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Hope you weren't green with envy.

The weekend was a special treat in that I got to hang out with GBC P@1ge.  This morning we compared our unfinished places in Carter Beats the Devil and weighed the virtues of the Kindle and the Kindle Ap.

Don't worry, we both will finish the book.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Don't Pass on the Pi

By now you're probably tired of hearing of my collection of pi books or of my coasters and fancy bottle opener gifted from a friend.

So today, I'll just link to and let you read a bit about people who like numbers.  If you're in the Princeton area, you should consider celebrating with a $3.14 tour of Einstein's neighborhood.  And for those included for leisure pi-wear, you might find a little something here.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Book 'em Barer

Feeling a bit artsy this morning. (I think it's my non-traditional work belt.)

In another of the "books into art" category, I've discovered Inspiration Green with this same grouping (though their category also includes "old" and likely the Twilight series) .  Jonathan Callen's pieces are quite extraordinary and Cara Barer's photographs are ah-mazing.  The award for patience when creating these pieces must go to Brian Dettmer.  Wow.

I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ne'er a Drop to Drink

Water has been my theme this last year.

Being in water without hyperventilating, swimming, reading so many books about water...

As I read this review of Wave, I felt my own fear and then wonder at the courage it must have taken to keep moving on.  In the article, Tim Adams of The Guardian spoke with author Sonali Deraniyagala, survivor of the 2004 tsunami.  I'm moved and amazed (and perhaps even a little teary).

The book is also reviewed here for The New York Times.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pooling Resources

I think we're all ready for a spring getaway.

View from my chair
Paradise By the Sea, FL
March 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Think I Remember the Film and As I Recall..

Because I'm a fan of Breakfast at Tiffany's and because I know several of you love cats, here's a little story about the first world problem of finding the right cat for your Broadway show:  "Like Herding Cats?  Well, Try it on Broadway" by Stephanie Clifford.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Snow Place Like Home

It was a cold weekend, even in Florida.  The skirt was out the window for the race and I ran in full winter gear.  The temperature neared 40 by finish.

No matter the locale, I think we each had the chill of the lingering winter.  This "Poem of the week" from The  Guardian seemed an appropriate Monday response.  (I also just really liked the cover photo.)

Check out: The snow whirls over the courtyard's roses by Tua Forsström.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

9 Lives

A girls' weekend to run a half-marathon.

Triathletes, yogis, two moms and a young one.

We all have books.

Runners. Readers.
